Editors-in-chief: Luuk Rietveld & Jan Peter van der Hoek
Executive editors: Monique Bekkenutte, Bhekie Mamba, Atul Mittal, Ran Shang & Chang-Ping Yu
eISSN: DWES 1996-9465, DWESD 1996-9481
Drinking Water Engineering and Science (DWES) aimed to be the leading scientific open-access journal for the publication of original research in drinking water treatment. The focus was on fundamental and applied research in water sources, substances, drinking water treatment processes, distribution systems, and residual management. DWES served scientists from universities and research institutes and engineers from water supply companies and engineering consulting firms.
Due to a decreasing amount of submissions and activities around DWES, Copernicus Publications does no longer see a demand for this specialized journal in the field of drinking water engineering and science. We therefore closed the manuscript registration. The DWES library and all its articles and materials will remain online for an unlimited period to preserve the DWES publication record. We are very grateful to all authors, reviewers, editors, and the community of readers for their contributions over the past 12 years. It has been a great pleasure for us to collaborate with you.